
Open Data South Africa is encouraging wider use of government data in communities around South Africa for social impact.

It is a joint initiative under the Open Government Partnership by the Department of Public Service and Administration, OpenUp, the Centre for Public Service Innovation, The Innovation Hub, Geekulcha, Open Cities Lab and the Human Sciences Research Council. Since early 2018 we have been adding to a working catalogue of public data sources, running community engagements and preparing an updated open data portal to help users find the open data resources they need.

We are encouraging small groups inside and outside of government to explore new applications of (mainly) government data. In this way we hope you are able to better understand what is going on around you and to take action. This toolkit contains advice and links to resources that can be used by students, researchers, activists and entrepreneurs.

A special thanks to GitBook for supporting this initiative with a Community Plan subscription.


How can I activate a local data community?How can government manage data for social impact?

Activities and notices

Notice: Data extracts from Land Reform ReportChallenge: Healthy EnvironmentChallenge: Spatial TransformationChallenge: Accessible HealthcareCampaign: Countering misinformation on social media

Open data resources

Demographic and survey data resourcesHealthcare data resourcesPolice & defence data resourcesAir quality data resourcesEducation data resourcesWorking with spatial data in South Africa

Terms of use

Note that this is a working toolkit so there may be broken links and partial content. Open Data South Africa and its partners are not responsible for errors, omissions or misuse.

If you do have a question or think something should be added to this toolkit please tweet us for now on OpenDataZA.

Last updated